January 2015 <<<
Team members use mobile devices to ensure quality. Imperial continues to fulfill its enduring mission as The Performance Leader.

Voice-pick technology increases efficiency and improves service. Imperial supports over 3500 retail stores and expands its reach to the Mid-west and South.

>>> January 2000
Imperial’s new showroom facilitates the development of customized assortments, promotions and retail pricing strategies.

Electronic ordering system enhances accuracy and productivity. Imperial doubles its customer base to 2000 retail locations with 20,000 SKUs.
January 1980 <<<
The warehouse expands and technology advances to improve customer service.

Imperial increases its Non-Food offerings across categories and supplies its first chain supermarkets.

>>> January 1960
Imperial builds its new facility in Auburn, MA and adds general merchandise to its broadening assortment.

Frank Sleeper’s son, Michael, joins Imperial in 1964 and becomes its president in 1973.
January 1950 <<<
Frank Sleeper does it all!

Imperial trucks deliver and service the company’s first supermarket customer, Grand View Market, on Stafford Street in Worcester, MA.

>>> January 1940
Imperial introduces patent medicines and beauty care products into grocery stores.

Imperial Drug Co. opens its first warehouse on Winter Street in Worcester, MA.
January 1930 <<<
Using a garage as his first warehouse, Frank Sleeper establishes Imperial...and his role as a pioneer of grocery Non-Foods.

In the 1930s, Frank Sleeper sells assembled first aid kits door-to-door. The inspiration for Imperial is born.

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150 Blackstone River Road
Worcester, MA 01607
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